UNIS teacher Mr. Henry Conor Dalzell's feedbacks about Hanoi Housing services Have you ever suffered from getting back deposit once you move out of your apartment? News & Blogs 04/29/2021 9:34:27 AM 2338 Have you ever suffered from getting back your deposit once you move out of your apartment? Here is a sharing of Mr. Henry C. Dalzell (an United Nations International School teacher) about his great experience with Hanoi Housing services. Rate and ReviewShare details of your own experience with this Full Name Email Tel Comment (5 stars) Please select Star rating... Your information has been sent successfully! However, your information needs to wait for Agent to review and contact to work early. Thanks and hope to see you soon.information has been sent. Thank you for your attention!Information has been sent to Admin. Thank you for your comment! Submit Other same category • Vietnamese Grocery Shopping! – From Traditional market to Supermarket • Demystifying the Hanoi Work Permit Process: A Comprehensive Guide for Expats • The stature and developmental potential of the serviced apartment leasing sector in Hanoi. • Renting in Hanoi? Ask These Questions First! • HOLIDAY NOTICE • Serviced vs Traditional Rental In Hanoi: Which wins?